Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Some Panoramic Shots of Gettysburg

Unfortunately, pictures don't do a place like Gettysburg justice.  You just don't get to see the scope of things.  You really have to be there to see it.  These panoramic shots are an attempt at that.
 This would be a shot looking from the Confederate lines towards the Union Side.
 This would be the view from Little Round Top.  As you can see, even that has a pretty commanding view of the battlefield.
This would be a view from the spot of the final day of battle at Gettysburg.  To the left is the copse of trees.  In front of you is where you would see the final Confederate Assault.  If you were there, you would have felt the Confederate Barrage beforehand but it wasn't enough to disrupt the Union troops.

1 comment:

  1. These shots are great! I was there less than a year ago, and almost forgot until now...
