Monday, April 9, 2012

Stopped at a Rest Area

One of the other things I like about the turnpike is the little rest area/ restaurant things they have along the way.  Although it seemed like they were updating a bunch so it seemed like they were few and far between.  At any rate, we stopped at one and as I was heading back to the car, I noticed some trees and decided to get some pictures of them.
 I'm not sure what kind of trees they were, but I liked the flowers on them.  I thought they looked pretty.
 A closeup of the flowers.  I think I really like the way the purple flowers set off against the green background.
 Another angle of the flowers.
 I tried to get another closeup.

 I think I like this one the best.
 Just a shot of the branch against the sky.
 I tried to get some pictures of the surrounding area but not to much avail.  The barrier between the two sides of the freeway didn't help.
 But I did like this shot.
And the moon looked really nice.

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