Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Tri-Centennial Light Again...

The Tri-Centennial Light has made several appearances on this blog in the past.  Even though she is a new light, she is probably one of my favorites.
 Generally when you think of a lighthouse, you think of some isolated spot.  You don't expect to see buildings in the background.
 The lighthouse is called the Tri-Centennial Light because her construction was completed in 2003, which is the 300th Anniversary of the founding of Detroit.
 She is located on the William G. Milliken State Park which was the first State Park built in Detroit.  It is also a harbor and you will see it full of boats in the summer.
 Looking up at the tower.
 Looking from another angle.
 You can kind of see the Huron Service in the background.
 I kind of like the sky in this one.
One last shot of the lighthouse with Windsor in the background.

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