Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Visit to Fish Point

Fish Point is a wildlife refuge that is about 30 miles east of Bay City.  I believe it is wetlands that feed into the Saginaw Bay.  There are some spots that are accessible by car but many spots you have to hike to.  It is home to a number of different bird species.
 One of the egrets.
 An egret in flight.
 This is probably my favorite picture of the bunch.
 I think this is a muskrat building his home.
 A pair of egrets.
 A goose parent keeping on eye on me as his or her children make their way to the wild.
 The goose parents fleeing.
 It was actually kind of neat to watch.  The goose in the back would push the goslings to they were close to the goose in front.
 Another shot of the goslings.
 An almost overall shot of Fish Point.  You can see an egret in the foreground.
One of the paths and streams.

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