Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Warm Evening at Gallup Park

So it didn't look there were going to be any ships going down the Detroit River tonight and I thought maybe I might head down to downtown Ann Arbor since I haven't been there in a while.  State Street looked like a bear so I decided to head over to Gallup instead.  It was a nice night for it although it was supposed to rain today maybe that got out of the way earlier.
 Well at least there were some boats to see.  One of these days I'm going to come over to see them racing.  They had the lanes set up.
 A red-winged blackbird sitting on the fence.  Not sure if he was there because of the upcoming election.  Okay okay, no politics tonight.
 This is the chapel for Concordia College, I think.
 A lone tree.
 The Wolverine passes by.  In a little over a month, I will be on the Wolverine.
 A plane heading out somewhere.  It's been a while since I've taken plane pictures.
 Now a robin is sitting on the fence.
 Another red-winged blackbird, only he's not on the fence.  I kind of liked the way it was silouetted against the sky.
 A duck swimming along.  I kind of liked the way he reflected against the almost still Huron River.
 Mom and dad guard the kids.  I had a feeling if I got any closer I might get chased away.
 Mom and dad gettting the kids away from the strange being holding the strange object.
 Probably a soon to be mom and dad.
 The white goose.
And you thought you wouldn't see a swan in this post.  It's kind of hard to avoid the swans at Gallup Park.

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