Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Algoma Discovery Again....

The last time the Algoma Discovery appeared on this blog was in the middle of the winter.  It was actually one of the few days of the winter where it snowed.  Today's weather was about as far removed from winter as you can get it.  It was a bit on the hot side and a little humid.
 At any rate, it was a little bit before I saw the Algoma Discovery and it seems like she's had a little more use since I last saw her.
 A shot of her bow.
 A shot of her superstructure.  She is the near sister to the Algoma Guardian.
 A not quite so closeup of her superstructure.
 The almost straight on shot.
 As she starts to pull away.
 A shot of her stack.  I will have to admit that Algoma Central has one of the cooler logos.
 Another shot of her superstructure.
 This is either a super secret submersible craft or a lifeboat.  I'm putting money on the lifeboat.
 Pulling away from her superstructure.
 Another shot of her stack.
 As she heads further downriver.  I believe she is heading to Quebec but I'm not sure.

And one last shot before she pulls out of view.

1 comment:

  1. Discovery entered service only about two weeks ago. She endured two onboard fires while in an extended winter lay-up
