Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Algoma Transport...Again

It's not often that I get pictures of the same ship so close together.  I just saw the Algoma Transport a week ago but I'm an addict, so I had to get more pictures of her.  Since I have that post, I'm not going to go into details about her in this post.
 Ever since the release of the book "How to Avoid Huge Ships", ships have had to adjust their patterns to get a meal.  It's kind of sad really, here we see a poor ship trying to sneak around Belle Isle on those unsuspecting rowers.
 I looks like the ship might get her meal....
 ...but sadly, the rowers probably read the book and are now getting away.  Another ship goes hungry.
 In all seriousness, she is a pretty neat ship despite having her pilothouse in the back.  I can see why some folks like the Algoma ships because they do have neat colors and a neat logo.
 The ship getting a little closer.
 It is a little more difficult to get an uncluttered picture from Milliken though.
 I kind of like the almost clean background of this shot.
 A shot of her bow.
 And her superstructure.
 A closeup of her bow.
 Looks like she needs a little work.
 An almost straight on shot of her bow.
 The straight on shot of her.  I really like the color of the Detroit River.
 A closeup of her bridge and stacks.
And she heads off to wherever she is going.

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