Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The American Integrity Again

My next ship was another upbound ship that I was not expecting to see.  She is one that I've seen in the past however.
 I don't care how many of the 1000 footers I see, they are still impressive.  To think that something like that sails on the Lakes is amazing.  It is even more amazing to think that something that massive can float.
 She looks similar to her fleetmates, the American Century, American Spirit, Burns Harbor, Indiana Harbor and Walter J. McCarthy.
 Just imagine how much water that bow is pushing.
 I don't remember if her loads are mostly coal or iron ore though.
 I don't think I've gotten this shot of her before.  To think that is 1000 feet worth of steel.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And even more straight on shot of her.
 A shot of her stern.
 And she heads off into the distance.
And one last shot before moving on to the next ship.

1 comment:

  1. American Integrity is usually a coal boat, moving coal from Midwest Energy in Duluth to the DTE plants in St. Clair and Monroe. In this case she was coming back from Monroe.
