Thursday, May 10, 2012

Birds, Trains...But no Automobiles

So I met up with a friend at Gallup Park tonight.  It was actually a pretty nice night for it, the sun was shining but it wasn't too hot or muggy.   Although getting to Gallup was a pain because they were still doing construction on Huron Parkway.
 I'm not sure what kind of birds these are and I tried to get closer to them to get a better picture of them but then I was distracted...... the sound of a train whistle.
 I was able to get pretty close to the geese before they started to hiss.
 This picture almost warrants a caption, I think.  If you think of one put it in the comments.
 A white goose swimming around.
 I think this may be a younger mallard.
 Another shot of the goose.
 I think spring is finally here, so I can confidently post a robin picture and not worry about white stuff coming down tomorrow.
 I think my favorite are the swans though.  I only saw one of them though.
 He was just swimming around.
 I kind of liked the greens and yellows in this shot.
 And the swan got closer.  As he was approaching, I could only think of the Jaws theme though.
 This is another picture that deserves a caption.
 And as I look at this one, I like it even more.  I didn't realize the colors in it.
 The gray goose again.
 Mom, dad and their goslings.
 Anotehr shot of the goslings.
 A female mallard.
 One more shot of the swan.
 A Canada goose contemplates his future.
 And sees kids in it.
A male duck chasing after a female.

All in all, it was a pretty nice night.  I kind of wish there were some ships coming down the Detroit River though but it was nice to see my friends.

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