Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Deja Vu with the CSL Tadoussac

I guess one of the aspects of Great Lakes shipping is that there are only a certain number of ships and for the most part they make the same runs.  This can be cool if you have a favorite ship or it can be a drag if you like ships but you live in an area where you only see certain ships.  Fortunately, most of the routes take ships past Detroit, so I figure eventually I will see all of the lakers.
So today we welcome the CSL Tadoussac back to Michigan Exposures.  Fortunately, I think she's a pretty cool ship, so I don't mind her coming back.
 Normally on a repeat visitor I would pull out the longer lens to get some detailed shots that I didn't get the first time but it was still too early and too cloudy for that lens.  For this shot, I decided to go the opposite route.
 Well here she is coming closer.  Coming upbound means she's out in the open for most of the journey in camera range.  No hiding for the upbound ships.
 However, they can sort of blend in with the backdrop.
 And the eye of Sauron looks on as she passes by.
 I guess one of the more interesting aspects of her is that she represents the end of an era being the last Canadian steamship with the forward mounted pilothouse.  However, I seem to remember she's not the last one built on the lakes.
 She's passing by the casino.
 A shot of her deckhouse.  I think she has a pretty odd looking deckhouse.
 An almost straight on shot.
 A slightly better view of her pilothouse.
 And she gets lost in the gray clouds.
 As she works her way up the Detroit River.
 In this picture you can almost see her guppy sides.
 Well maybe not.
And one last shot before she heads off.

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