Monday, May 21, 2012

The Federal Oshima

I saw that my favorite ship was going to be upbound on the Detroit River yesterday, so I decided to head to Belanger Park for a change.  It was actually a fairly nice day as it was bright and sunny.  So I when I got to the park, I noticed this ship across the river.
The ship in question is one of many salties that visit the Great Lakes.  A saltie is a ship that also spends some time on the Oceans as well.
She is the Federal Oshima which is owned by FedNav.  She was born in 1999 at the Oshima Shipyard in Japan.  She can carry a little over 36,000 tons of cargo and is 656 feet long.
You can tell she is a saltie by her bow.

1 comment:

  1. I can tell she's a salty by the hatch covers and the obvious cranes on deck.
