Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Neah Bay

I wasn't expecting to see the next boat but she's a repeat visitor to this blog.  However the last time I saw her was in action.  She was part of the effort to pull the guy who fell from the Ambassador Bridge out of the water.  Sadly, I don't think she was successful.  But at anyrate, I love to give the Coast Guard its due on this blog, sooooo.....
 The Neah Bay heading downriver.  I think she looks more like a tug than a cutter though.  She is called a Multi-Purpose Cutter though and can be used as a command center during rescue operations.
 I do love the red stripe of the US Coast Guard ships.
 And the flags flying in the breeze.
 With all those ribbons, I'd imagine she'd be pretty impressive at a Congressional Hearing. 
 I thought she was going to continue heading downriver.
 Until smoke started to pour out of her stack and she started to turn sharply.  I'd have to say it looked impressive in person.
 For some reason, it reminded me of an escort ship turning to attack the submarine.
 And I really liked the shot of her going back through her smoke.
 She was almost out of the smoke.
 She was still pouring it on though.

 Another shot of her bridge and the ribbons on the other side.
 The smokestack.
 A closeup of the Coast Guard strip.
 One more shot of the bridge.
 And I think she was heading to the Coast Guard station on McNichols.
And one last shot before I packed it up for the day.

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