Monday, May 21, 2012

The St. Joseph Lighthouse Again

So the last time I saw St. Joseph Lighthouse was in February and it was quite a bit colder then.
 As I was stepping out of the car, I looked through the trees and saw this shot.  I kind of liked how it look, so I took it.
 I was amazed at how smooth the Lake was.  As I said, we were hoping to catch the eclipse but as you can see, the weather was not cooperating.  I wasn't too keen on the sky either.
 But as I look at it, with the horizon and sky almost blending, this takes a kind of surreal quality.
 With the water so smooth, it is way more peaceful than last time I visited.
 I pulled back a little bit to get a better shot of the sky.
 I really like the way the lighthouse reflected in the water.
 The pier was a little less treacherous this time.
 So I was able to get closer to the lighthouse.
 And get the view looking up at the tower.
 And the view of the range light.  This is one I could have gotten a picture of last time, but I wasn't about to walk out on an ice covered pier with no fence.
 Another shot of the lighthouse.

One last shot of the lighthouse to show the catwalk and the distances involved.

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