Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Vitosha Passes By

The next ship up is the Vitosha.  She is the last ship I took pictures of.  Right behind her was the Great Lakes Academy's State of Michigan but I was getting into a time crunch, so I didn't take pictures of her.  I think I will have some more chances because she is doing her cruise around the Detroit and St. Clair Rivers.
 The Vitosha is one of many salties that visits the Lakes.
 Based on the fact that she is not in Know Your Ships, I believe she may be a newcomer to the Lakes.
 You can tell she's a salty because of the cranes an odd bow.  I think she is also smaller than many of the Lake boats.
 I'm not entirely sold on the salties though.
 And almost shot of her pilothouse.
 The straight on shot.
 A closeup of her bridge.
 And bow.
And one more shot before she continues on her merry way.

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