Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Captain Henry Jackman Again.....

So next up is the Captain Henry Jackman.  She has appeared on this blog a couple times before and she is a ship that I kind of like the looks of but not as much as the classic lakers.
 As you can see, she is one of the ships owned by Algoma Central.  She is also one of a few ships owned by them that isn't named Algoma Something.  I guess AlgoJackman would sound wierd.
 She's got a self unloading boom.
 Since she's appeared on this blog before, I decided to take some more detailed shots.  I think she can and has gone out on the oceans in the past.
 A closeup of her pilothouse.
 The straight out shot.
 A closeup of the rear of her pilothouse as she moves on.
 Another shot of her rear as she heads on.

 She starts to pass the American Mariner, which will be the star of the next post.
The American Mariner gets larger and the Henry Jackman gets smaller, which means it's the end of the another post.

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