Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Joseph H. Thompson on the Detroit River

Last time I saw the Joseph H. Thompson was on the Saginaw River.  That time was pretty cool because I had a chance to get some pretty detailed shots.  This time, not so much.
 When I first got to Milliken, she was at the Detroit docks unloading cargo (or perhaps further down, I couldn't really tell).  I didn't think I would get to see her.
 But I was wrong.  As I looked down that way, I saw that she was starting to move.  Even though I'm not a huge fan of the articulated tug...a ship is still a ship.  Even if it's technically a barge.
 At least she still retains the classic bow look.
 Even if the rest of her isn't so classic.
 Here she is approaching the Herbert C. Jackson.
 Two ships at once.
 One and a half ships?
 One and a tenth ships....
A whole ship and 5% of a ship or so.  Oh well, it is still cool to see ships passing each other.  I even got to hear one of their horns.

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