Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Makings of a Boatnerd

I was going through some of my old pictures because I was looking for some of my earlier pictures.  These were taken with film cameras of some sort.
 This one was taken with an old film point and shoot camera.  I was going to Montreal with the French Club and took this from the train as it was leaving Windsor.  Unfortunately, I can't make out the prominent ship in the picture.  This would also be my first picture of the Detroit River.  It's hard to believe this was taken in 1984.
It would take me another 2 years to take another ship picture.  This one was on the Saginaw River, I believe.  I think it was during the flood.  Still can't tell which ship this was though.  It would be a few years later that I would take to trying to seek out ships though.

It is kind of nice to go through my old pictures because it shows me where I've been and I think that I've grown in my photography considerably over the years.

1 comment:

  1. The boat in the second photo is either the H.M. Griffith of J.W. McGiffin of Canada Steamship Lines. Both have been completely rebuilt and are still in service as Rt. Hon. Paul J. Martin and CSL Niagara respectively.
