Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Riding the Lake Shore Limited

Next up was my almost return leg, the Lake Shore Limited.  This particular route is based on the one that used to be run by the New York Central Railroad.  The route was made famous in the movie "North By Northwest" as that is the route that Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint took from New York to Chicago.  The route is so named because it follows along the shore of Lake Erie for a good chunk of it.
 The departure board at Penn Station.  I thought that Union Station in Chicago was crazy and then I saw this one.
 I'm not sure what bridge this is but I liked it.
 The train follows along the Hudson River for pretty much the beginning of the route.
 I kind of wish I would have sat on the correct side of the train as it was difficult getting pictures shooting around people.  However, I did manage to get some shots of the Hudson River.
 One of the bridges on the Hudson.  It almost reminds me of the Blue Water Bridge in Port Huron.
 Believe it or not, the train actually passes through Sing Sing Prison.  I wonder if anyone has ever escaped by hopping on the train?
 It was a little overcast as we headed out of New York City.  That pretty much meant my picture taking opportunities were limited.
 I did kind of like the mountains we went through.
 We had a fairly lengthly stop in Albany as we would link up with the train from Boston.
 Looking down the length of the train.  We rode on a similar train to the Wolverine but the spacing between the seats was more like one of the Superliners.  Apparently they can't use the Superliners because of some of the tunnels in New York.
 The Boston portion of the train.  I got to watch it link up.
 I think this was still in Albany.
 With the combination of it getting dark and the weather, I didn't have many opportunities to take pictures until we got to Toledo.  This meant that I pretty much missed any pictures of the lake from the train.
 I believe this was somewhere in Indiana.
 The station in Elkhart.
 Across the tracks in Elkhart was the New York Central Museum.
 One of many engines that we passed.
 Pretty much the same shot I get everytime I enter Chicago by train.
 Same here.
 Sometimes I get this shot but it depends on what I'm trying to get.  Normally I'm trying to get the Sears Tower.
A shot of the engine.

I will post more of my thoughts when I do the overall summary.

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