Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Saguenay Again

So next up is the Saguenay.  She's appeared on this blog before, so I wont go into too many details about her.  Especially since I don't have many details about her anyway.
 Here she is sneaking around Belle Isle again.  It's a shame that the How to Avoid Huge Ships was so popular.  Look at the means ships have to go about to get a meal.  Sneaking around Belle Isle...sheesh.
 I think she was a salty at one point.
 Another shot as she gets closer.  I was using my bigger lens for these.  The shots seem fine.
 A closeup of her pilothouse.
 And bow.
 An even closer shot of her bow.
 Another shot of her pilothouse.
 The straight on shot.
 As she starts to head away.
 And looking at this shot.  I provides a clue to her former life.  Looks like she used to be the Federal Thames.  Which means that she was probably owned by Fed Nav at one time.  You can also see that she was homeported in Antwerp at one time.
 So it is confirmed, she was a salty at one point.  I wont hold that against her though.
 She passes on to her destination.
 And gets closer to the Ambassador Bridge.
One more shot before she moves out of view.

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