Sunday, June 3, 2012

Wandering Around Chicago

If I had to pick a favorite city outside of Detroit, it probably would be Chicago.  I guess that might have to do with the fact that it is fairly close to me but it is a nice vibrant city.  One of these days, I might have to do a trip where I just spend a couple of days in Chicago.  As it was, I had a few hours between the Wolverine and the Capitol Limited, so I decided to put my bags in a locker and take in the sights of Chicago.
 If I would have been thinking, I would have taken the water taxi to my destination, that would have cut down on my walking.
 But then I would have missed this view or it would have looked different from the taxi.  I don't know what too many of the buildings in this picture are but the one on the left is the Boeing Building.
 I kind of liked the way the sun was hitting the building in the center.
 Closer to the Boeing Building.  They were doing some work on some of the sidewalks, so I had to take a not quite so direct route.
 Looking down one of the streets.
 A decoration on one of the buildings near the Boeing Building.
 I'm glad that I didn't take the water taxi though because I would have missed the gathering for the Memorial Day parade.  A group of Jr. ROTC cadets from somewhere.
 Lining up the flags.
 This was a group of Revolutionary War re-enactors.  They were playing the good guys.
 Some Coasties.
 If you wander around long enough, you will see things that you don't expect to see.  I guess I didn't realize there was a group of people that re-enacted the Buffalo Soldiers.
 These guys are Tuskegee Airmen.
 Looking down the River.
 I don't remember what building this is.  I think one of the things that I like about Chicago is the uniqueness of its buildings.  New York may have the more impressive skyline but I think the buildings in Chicago are more interesting.
 The Wrigley Building.
 Looking down another street.
 I'm not sure what building this is either.
 This is the Chicago Tribune Building.
 I believe this is looking down Michigan Avenue.
 Last week was the NATO Conference and they still had the flags to show it.
 Looking up at the Wrigley Building.
 Some of the details on the Wrigley Building.
 One of the archways.
 I don't remember what building this is.
 I believe this is the Water Tower.
 And the Hancock Building.  This is the first time that I've wandered up this way, so it was something different for me.
 Another view of the Hancock Building.
 A statue of Nathan Hale.
 Some of the artwork on the Tribune Building.
 Looking up at the Tribune Building.
 Not sure what building this is but it is affiliated with NBC somehow.
 Heading out to Lake Michigan.
 Some of the artwork on one of the Bridges.
 I think this is the Carbon-Iron Building or something like that.
 Looking down Michigan Avenue.
 From a different spot.
 I kind of like this sculpture because it reminds me of a flying saucer.
 One of the Lions in front of the Art Institute of Chicago.
 Looking up Adams Street towards the Sears Tower.
 The front of the Art Institute.
 Looking up at the Sears Tower.  I still can't bring myself to call it by its new name.
 The Sears Tower from another angle.
And almost back to Union Station.  This is the first time I took this route around Chicago and it gave me some different views.  I may have to do it again when I have more time.

1 comment:

  1. The building right before the Tribune Tower is the Trump Tower. I believe it is now the second-tallest in Chicago.
