Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Algoma Montrealais

After the CSL Laurentien, we decided to grab dinner at the Locks View Restaurant.  The food wasn't too bad but the service was a little on the slow side.  As we headed back to the Locks, I noticed that the Montrealais was pulling out, so I decided to head down the river a bit to catch her on the St. Mary's River.
 And I am glad that I did because as it turns out, this is a ship that I haven't taken pictures of before.  And I think she is a pretty attractive boat to boot.
 The Montrealais was laid down in 1961 in two sections.  The bow was built in Lauzon, Quebec and the stern was built in Montreal by Canadian Vickers.  The two sections were mated in Lauzon.
 The ship was operated by Papachristidis Co. Ltd. which was owned by Mr. Phrixos Basil Papachristidis.  Up until this ship, he operated ships on the Oceans.  This along with the Hamiltonian would symbolize his entry into Lakes trading.
 At 730 feet, she was the fifth Canadian ship to carry the title of Queen of the Lakes until the emergence of the Frankcliffe Hall.
 In 1972, she was sold to Jackes Shiping which was owned by Upper Lakes Shipping. 
 In 2011, she was sold to the Algoma Corporation.
In 2012, Algoma was added to her name.

 After seeing her pass by the park, we headed down to a place called Four Mile Beach.  And this made for a perfect shipwatching setting.
 Especially as we were starting to hit the Golden Hour.
 A shot of her stern.
 As she starts to head down the river.
And one more shot.

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