Monday, July 2, 2012

American Integrity at the Soo Locks

As I was taking pictures of the Algoma Discovery heading downbound, the American Integrity was heading upbound.  It was pretty cool to see a thousand footer.
 She has appeared on this blog before, so I wont go into the details.
 A closeup of her pilothouse.  One of the other things I like about taking pictures on the St. Mary's River is the closeness of the ships.  I don't really need my biggest lens to get closeups.
 I could almost get her in the shot.
 And she heads up to the Locks.
 Here she is waiting to enter the Poe Lock.
 She gets closer to the lock.
 A closeup of her pilothouse.
 For some reason I liked this picture.
 She almost dwarfs the Administration Building even.
 Her self-unloading boom.
 Her pilothouse and the American Flag.
 Another shot of that.
 I kind of liked this shot too.
 She leaves the locks.

And one last picture as she heads up somewhere.

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