Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fireworks at the Soo Locks

I love to watch fireworks displays.  When I found out they were doing one in conjunction of the 50th Anniversary of the Bridge, I wanted to attend.  Since I heard they were firing them by the locks, I decided the best place would be from the oberservation deck of the Soo Locks.  Unfortunately, so did many other people but I was able to work my way into a spot to watch.
 Of all the times I've been to the Soo Locks, I've never seen fireworks shot off over them.  I apologize for the quality of the shots since I didn't bring my tripod with me.  Also in this shot, you can see the next ship entering.
 I wish the Administration Building were better lit though.  Oh well.
 Then I figured I could kind of perch the camera on the shelf.  I think the pictures are a little better but still a bit blurry.
I wanted to try to get one shot with a lock in it.

1 comment:

  1. My mommy and daddy shot those fireworks off
