Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fun with Cropping

There is a photography website I go to all the time.  Usually they have some pretty good tips for me as I post pictures.  Of the things that someone suggested was that I crop my ship shots a little differently.  Basically it was suggested that I crop the pictures so that the length of the ship would be emphasized.  So I figured I would try it and post it here and see what everyone else thinks.
 I figured I would start with a recent picture of my favorite ship.  I think this would work when I use my favorite angle for ships.  It seems to work in this picture.
 So then I tried it in another picture.  I think if I had the more straight on shot, it would work.  It still kind of works.
 If I didn't have the buildings in the background, I would be fine with this shot.
 Thi was a shot where the ship was closer to me.  I'm not so sure it works when there is an odd angle to the ship.
 Now this one I like.  I tried a different layout too because I wanted to emphasize the reflection over the sky.
 Again, I'd like it more with no buildings.
 Another one that I like.
 I don't think it works so much with the oblique angles.
 Still works.
 I figured I would try one more shot.  However this is one where I liked the sky, so I'm not sure.
 So I tried another type of crop...I think I like it a little better.
And the original shot.

So what do you guys think?


  1. I love the third one! But they are all great.

  2. i'm for #8. ships are long and horizontal like trains. a long and horiz.. foto of a train would be boring. so i like views other than beamy ones that show more interesting curves and shapes of ships. there is a time and place for profiles but there are an infinite # of other views that are underutilized. ditch the profiles, imho.

  3. I agree with the the cropping to emphasize the length. I think the oblique angles are okay for the most part. The one of the Manistee though doesn't look quite right.

    Maybe because the height to width ratio is different. I'd try to cut a tad off the top and/or bottom or if you have room at the edges, see what extending that does.

  4. On the last one, if you like the sky, crop out some of the water and see how that looks.

  5. I like the shots that are cropped with little or no me and i will tell you more haha your MOMMY
