Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Indiana Harbor Enters Port Huron

So my last ship of the day was the Indiana Harbor.  This was one that I wasn't sure if I was going to stick around long enough to catch.  But as I was at the lighthouse, I saw that she was coming downbound, so I figured I would go back to one of the spots by the Bridge to catch her under the Bridge.
 It's amazing how small a 1000 footer looks in this shot.  You can barely tell she's there.  She has appared on this blog in the past though.
 She still looks pretty small compared to the Blue Water Bridge, but she is also a ways out there.
 Unfortunately, my bigger lens is on the fritz, so I had to blow this picture up.  It's pretty unusual that I will get a straight on shot.
 She was getting a little closer for this shot and well within range of my 300mm lens.  So that was just fine.
 Another shot of her under the Bridge.  You can almost get a sense of the 1000 feet.
 Maybe a little more in this pic.
 You definately get a sense of her full 1000 feet in this pic.
 And almost a sense of her size.
 I think you get even more of a sense of her size in this picture.
 A closeup of her bow.
 An almost closeup of her pilothouse.
 It's hard to believe just how tall some of these ships are.
 And as she passes by.
 And almost a shot of her rear.
 And just behind her pilothouse.  You can see one of the crewmen for an even better sense of scale.
 And her bow seems to disappear.
And one last shot before she heads off to Zug Island.

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