Monday, July 23, 2012

Mesabi Miner at the Mackinac Bridge

It seems like the Mesabi Miner is becoming a regular guest on this blog.  The last time I was up at the Soo Locks, I saw her.  And I saw her again on Saturday.
 It was a particularly hazy day and I was shooting into the sun for this picture but I do like the picture.  Kind of reminds me of a ghost ship or something like that.  Imagine a 1000 foot ghost ship.
 She becomes a little clearer as she passes the island but still obscured.
 An almost clean background but not a clean enough shot of the ship.
 The closest shot I could get of her pilothouse.
 And this is what 1000 feet look like.
 The bow of the Mesabi Miner approaches the Mackinac Bridge.
 As she starts to pass under her.
And another closeup of her pilothouse.

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