Sunday, July 1, 2012

One Can Never Tire of this Bridge....

I know that I have posted a ton of pictures of the Mackinac Bridge but I don't care, I like it.  Plus if you are going to the Upper Peninsula, it is unavoidable.  Also, a stop at the park is usually a good thing after either driving or riding for a couple of hours.  so here goes.
 I kind of like the shots where I can get the contrasting color of the waters.  I have the lighter colors of the shallow waters and the darker colors of the deeper waters.   I think the Mackinac Bridge is one of the more beautiful bridges out there, especially when you take it in context of it's surroundings.
 I tried to get a shot of the Bridge with a little bit of the foreground in it.  I know that particular bush has appeared at least 12 times on this blog.
 I decided to walk a little more in the park this time.  I wanted to get some of the other angles of the Bridge.
 It would be hard to believe that the Bridge is five miles from this shot.
 Or even this shot.
 This shot might be a little more convincing though.  Can you imagine being a fur trader in a canoe and seeing this?
 As we were talking, my dad was mentioning the ferries that were used before this.  In one of the information centers, there is a picture of a large cluster of cars waiting to board that ferry.  And people think some of the tie ups are bad now...imagine getting in a traffic jam and still having to wait for a vessel to continue.
 Well fortunately, we don't have to wait anymore to cross the Bridge.  Just get on it and go.  Unless it's Labor Day when people are walking across.
 Since my dad was driving, I had the chance to get some pictures as we were crossing.
 I would love to get this shot from the top.
 I really love suspension bridges.
My dad doesn't have a convertible or moon roof, so I had to hold the camera up through the front windshield.  That is why there are sunspots on the picture.  I also had to set the camera for repeat mode.  But I think the shot turned out.

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