Monday, July 23, 2012

The Birchglen Enters the Soo Locks

After I watched the Bough reach the level of Lake Superior, I was wondering why she wasn't pulling out of the Poe Lock.  And then I looked upbound and saw why.  Another repeat visitor approached the locks.
 The Birchglen was starting to pull into the Lock area and I imagine that if the ship reaches a certain point, the hold the other ship in the Lock.
 At any rate, I figured I was at a good spot to see this because it gave me a sense of scale of the ship.
 I've probably said this too many times, but you don't get a sense of scale as they are sitting out on the Lake or River.
 You do however get that sense when you are standing about 10 feet away from it.
 The Canadian Steamship Logo.
 In this picture she almost seems like she goes on forever.
 I think her pilothouse would dwarf some buildings.
One of her lifeboats.
 Looking almost straight up at her pilothouse.
One more shot before heading to see the Blough.

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