Monday, July 2, 2012

Whitefish Point Lighthouse

Last time I was at Whitefish Point, they had scaffolding on the lighthouse tower because they were doing maintenance on it.  The scaffolding was off this time and it looked pretty good.
 I was happy that the weather was pretty cooperative for the weekend.  While it was hot in my neck of the woods, it was perfect in the Upper Peninsula.  It made for a pretty pleasant weekend.
 Looking at just the tower.
 Looking up at the tower.
 I decided to head down to the beach for a bit.  I really like the rocks on the beach.
 As the waves came in.
 A shot of the tower and the foghorn.
 Just the tower.
 The Alamosborg heads downbound.  It looks like this would have been a good day for Engineer's Day, as we saw a number of ships heading that way.
 Another shot of the tower and foghorn.

 Looking up at the foghorn.
One last shot of the tower.  I really like the looks of the Whitefish Point Lighthouse.  It is surprising to find out that it is one of the older lighthouses on the lake.

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