Sunday, August 26, 2012

Jackson Civil War Muster - Post Activities

They did some stuff after the battle.  Mostly just the soldiers passing in review and some rifle volleys.
 The Union soldiers did a rifle volley.  I kind of wish I would have caught it a little sooner so that the smoke wasn't in the way.
 The Sharpshooters coming towards the review.
 The Cavalry soldiers leading the way.
 I thought this was kind of cool.
 The main cavalry officer.
 Some of the soldiers.  It's amazing how they captured the tired look of soldiers after a battle.
 A Confederate volley.
 And the Confederate guys did a bayonet charge for the crowd.
One of the Jackson County mounted sheriffs.

Like I said, I had fun and I think I will try to make the one next year.  Maybe I should try to look for other ones so I can get some better pictures.

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