Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Miscellaneous Shots From Around the Soo

These are shots I couldn't fit into any of the other posts.
 The Algonorth waiting to be scrapped.
 The International Bridge.
 A chipmunk at Mission Point.
 The Administration Building.
 A seagull taking a break in the MacArthur Lock.
 The Arthur K. Atkinson waiting to be scrapped.  She used to be a railroad ferry owned by the Ann Arbor Railroad.
A seagull at Four Mile Beach.

I want to thank my friend Chris for going along with me on this trip.  I kind of wish we would have had one more day so that we could have seen some other places around the Soo but it ended up being a pretty busy boat weekend.  In all, I saw 12 ships over the weekend (not counting the ones about to be scrapped).  I almost saw the entire Interlake Fleet which was pretty cool.  I also saw the Blough which was definately cool.

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