Thursday, August 30, 2012

The James R. Barker on the Detroit River

The last time I saw the Barker was the last time I was at the Soo Locks.  I don't think I've ever seen the James R. Barker on the Detroit River so when I saw that she was going to be on the Detroit River, I decided to head downtown.
 I was hoping to catch her at the top of Belle Isle but traffic didn't cooperate with me, so I headed down to Milliken State Park.  Here you see the Barker coming out of hiding.
 I know that the Barker has been down this way before, just never could catch up with her.
 I like the shots I can get at Milliken but I would have rather have been on the other side of Belle Isle because I could have gotten a proper head shot.
 As it is, I'm pretty happy with this shot.
 I am more happy with this shot because it gives you an idea of the scale of the ship.  I think I like this style of 1000 footer over the other style.
 I think it has more graceful lines.
 She gets closer.
 ...and closer.
 And the almost straight on shot.  I couldn't get the full straight on shot though.
 A shot of her bow.
 And superstructure.
 A close up of her pilothouse.
 A shot as she heads downriver.
 The Ambassador Bridge in the background.
 A closer shot.
And an almost full shot of the Ambassador Bridge.

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