Monday, September 24, 2012

Am I Becoming Tugster? Nah...

So after finishing up with the Algoma Spirit, it was off to Belle Isle to meet some boatnerds.  Most of them I've only met through facebook.  Occasionally, I run into one of them and I met another up at the Soo but that was only briefly.  It was nice to hook up with some fellow travelers.
 So next up is the tug Manitou.  If I could get more shots of tugs that looked like this one, I might become more of a tugboat fan but alas, they are rare around these parts.
 She has appeared on this blog in the past as she was the assist tug for the Edson.
 Evidently, she started life in the 1940's as a Coast Guard Icebreaking tug.
 Not quite sure what she does now...tugging boats, I guess.
 Here she is staring down the much bigger Algoway.
And she passes by with her head held high.


  1. hey . . . there are worse things than becoming tugster, but in truth . . . you've always been unmistakably michigander . . .

  2. you've always been michiganderexposure, and that's not bad at all!
