Thursday, September 6, 2012

And the American Mariner....

Somehow it just wouldn't be a trip down to the Detroit River without seeing at least one freighter.  I did know that the American Mariner would be passing downbound, I just wasn't sure if I would catch her before the the sun went down.
 Granted, she's a ship that's been on this blog before but I still like the looks of her.  And the last time I saw her was on the Saginaw River, so that's cool.
 This time the viewing is a little easier for me as there are no distractions in the foreground.  But I didn't bring my bigger lens, so I'll have to settle for shots like this.
 The almost straight on shot.
 A straight on shot of her pilothouse.
 As she passes by Caesar's Casino Windsor.
 And she heads downbound somewhere.
 And passes the Niagara.   It's a shame there isn't a replica of a Great Lakes sailing cargo ship.  That would be another nice contrast.

One last shot as she continues on her merry way.

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