Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It Takes Four Days to Hitchhike from this One

And what's better than one classic lake freighter?  Two of them.  Roughly an hour behind the Philip Clarke was the Saginaw.  I was kind of waffling on whether I wanted to stick around to catch her.
 She's appeared on this blog a few times in the past.
 But it always seems like I catch her at about this time of the day.
 Not that I'm complaining mind you.
 The white part of the ship really catches the golden light.
 The gray does a pretty decent job of it too.
 Of course, I have to wait for her to get a little further down the river.
 Because she starts to look a little golden.
 And not quite so rusty.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And a shot of her hull catching the full effect of the setting sun.
 And set off by the pinks in the sky.
And one more shot as she continues on.

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