Monday, September 10, 2012

The American Mariner Passes by the De Wert

As I said in the last post, the American Mariner was making her way downbound.  As I was still on the De Wert as she was passing, I got the opportunity to get some shots that I wouldn't normally get.
 It is kind of funny that I saw her yesterday since the last time I saw her was the last time I was in Detroit.  For this shot, I tried to get some of the De Wert in the shot.  Like I said, it's not a normal perspective for me.
 She slow works her way past the ship.
 She gets a visit from the Westcott.  She is also under the watchful eye of the Border Patrol.
 She passes almost straight out.
 A closeup of her pilothouse and the Westcott.  The Westcott spent a good amount of time at her side.
 The full on shot.
 And she slowly works her way downriver.
And one more shot with the De Wert in the foreground.  I don't know how long it will be before I get a shot like this again.

1 comment:

  1. I don't like the first shot. The side of the Dewert in the picture makes me think of a finger in front of the lens.

    I do like the framing of the last shot though.
