Monday, September 10, 2012

The Sam Laud Again

So I went back down to Detroit yesterday because I wanted to catch the De Wert.  I ended up going with a friend of mine and his son.  His son got to see many things that he hasn't seen before so it was pretty cool for him, I hope.  At anyrate, I was surprised at how busy the River was for freighter traffic.  It seemed like there was one coming down right after the other.
 First up was the Sam Laud.  She's appeared on this blog before (several times in fact).
 I think I'm getting more and more used to this style of ship, although I still prefer the classic freighter look.
 You can see a boat of the Michigan Conservation Officer in front.  I think they had to rope a bunch of different law enforcement vehicles to ride shotgun over the week's visitors.

And one last shot before she heads off somewhere.

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