Friday, October 26, 2012

A Few Other Shots from Today

After catching the Kuber, I decided to head down the St. Clair River because I wanted to catch the two other ships sooner than waiting for them to arrive in Port Huron.  Plus, I wanted different vantage points.
 I took this picture just to give you an idea of just how windy it was.  As you can see, the flags were flying almost straight out.
 A differnt angle of the flags.  These are flags of various ships that sail on the Great Lakes.
 Delivering grain in Sarnia was the CSL Assiniboine.  I'm not sure if you can tell, but almost is front of her is another tug/barge combination.  This one is the tug Defiance pushing the Ashtabula.  It was built this year, I think and is owned by the Lower Lakes Company.
 I also wanted to give you an idea of how rainy it was.  This is looking down from the Maritime Center towards the farmer's market.
 Another shot of the flags.
 This is the pilot boat the Huron Maid.  She was following the Isa.  I think that foreign vessels are required to have a Great Lakes pilot on board.
 A closeup of the pilot boat.
 This is the Saginaw.  I think she is on layup, which is kind of a shame because she's a lovely boat.
 A seagull that is not on layup.
One more shot of the Assiniboine.

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