Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Rainy Day With the Algoma Enterprise

It has been about a week since I was last shipwatching.  After work, I decided to stop by Milliken State Park to get some ship pictures.  I thought I would be getting pictures of the CSL Assiniboine and Sam Laud but they decided they needed a slurpee and big burrito at the Sterling Fuel Docks.   But the Algoma Enterprise, trooper that she is decided to bypass the Fuel Docks and press on.
 The Algoma Enterprise has appeared on this blog in the past, so I'm not going to go into her story here.  Instead I'm gonna go through a little of my story.
 For these next three shots, I decided that I would mess around with the white balance settings.  This picture was set for a cloudy day.  I'm not sure I like it so much.
 This one used the sunny day settings and I think I like it a little better.  There are more blues in the picture.
 This one was on the auto settings.  So which of the three do you like the best?
 Well, the Algoma Enterprise pressed on.
 And the sky was a little rough.  It was raining off and on and I think I had some droplets on my lens.
 But it didn't show here.
 Not sure if the gray on the side of the hull is from my lens or the light hitting the dust just right. 
 I didn't bring my bigger lens with me, so this is the closest close up I'm giving.
 And my favorite angle for boat pictures.
 And she continues on her merry way.
 And so that's the Algoma Enterprise....
And this concludes my pictures of her.

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