Thursday, October 11, 2012

An Evening With Alpheus Starkey Williams

So tonight found me on Belle Isle for the reason that I'm usually on Belle Isle but more about that in the next post.  First we have this post and this post is a doozy.  Well not really a doozy but definitely a repeat.
 First up we have the statue of General Alpheus Starkey Williams.  As you may recall, this statue has appeared several times on this blog.  Well especially since I did the link before the last sentence.
 The light was just about perfect for bringing out the highlights in this statue.  You can see hints of fall in the background but Belle Isle hasn't fully succumbed to the colors like many other places around here.
 This is sort of a landmark on Belle Isle.
Looking up at the statue.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great photos! You've managed the light & dark wonderfully to reveal the detail & I love the drama you've created with the angles you shoot from. Alpheus Williams was one of the founders of Christ Church Detroit back in the 1840s. Christ Church Detroit built its permanent building at 960 E. Jefferson during the Civil War. (It's the light colored Gothic stone church at the foot of I-375.) I work on Christ Church's history. I'm including your photos in my files. I hope we can use one or two of them on the website we're updating and in a history brochure I hope to put together. If you wouldn't mind Christ Church using your photos of this statue to help us find and tell our story, how would you like for the photos to be credited? I'd be very happy to answer any questions you might have.
