Thursday, October 11, 2012

And Algosteel Makes it Three....

It has been a while since I've seen multiple ships in one sitting.  It's not that the Lakes haven't been busy (they have).  It's just that it seems like they've been passing when I couldn't be around.  So tonight was kind of special for me.
 I remembered that one of the other ships that was refuelling was the Algosteel.  When I saw that the Indiana Harbor was heading upbound, I figured that the Algosteel couldn't be too far behind her.
 The Algosteel is another of the Algoma boats that I like.  She also has that classic lake freighter look.  And I'm a sucker for the classics I guess.
 She has appeared on this blog before but not as many as some other ships.
 You can almost see her pretty lines in this picture.
 But they come out better in this one.
 Her Algostack.  I'll have to say that the Algoma logo is one of my favorites.
 And her pilothouse (or wheelhouse if you prefer).
 Her deckhouse.
 And she heads off to somewhere.
 This spot isn't as good as the other but there are a few spots where you can get a clean background.
 But not here.
 Or here.
But this one will work.

So there's my ships for the day.  With any luck, I may see the Blough this weekend.

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