Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Details of Algosteel

My favorite fleet on the Great Lakes is the Great Lakes Fleet.  This is mainly because they own my favorite ship but also because they have the greatest diversity of ships.  Second on my list is probably American Steamship.  After that it gets kind of muddy for me.   I think the largest fleet is the one that is owned by Algoma Central, so it is a pretty good chance that if you see a ship on the Great Lakes it will come from them.
 Since the ship that I saw coming down was the Algosteel and she is one of my favorite ships, I decided that I would stop by Detroit.
 She is definitely a classic laker but I don't like the huge great thing in the back.  I find it distracting but I guess it serves a purpose.
 She was just on this blog last week, so if you want her story you can search for it.  But it is a pretty impressive story.
 Getting close to my favorite angle.
 Since I took pictures of her last week, I decided to leave my big lens on so that I could take more detailed shots.
 A closeup of her pilothouse.
 Her forecastle and anchor.
 But of course, I couldn't resist my favorite ship angle.
 Another shot of her logo and anchor.
 A closer shot of her pilothouse.  I love it when I get pictures of people in my ship pictures because it gives a sense of scale.
 Although I guess this one gives a little more sense of scale.
 And she continues on to Windsor (long trip).
 A shot of her Algostack.
 Another shot of her pilothouse.
 And her stern.
And she continues on.

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