Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Go Get 'Em Tigers

So the Tigers have made it to the World Series again.   This time they are facing the Giants of San Francisco (who used to be the Giants of New York but not the football team).  I think it will be a good series but I think the Tigers have the superior pitching this time.  So we'll see.
 I'm not sure what the criteria for putting a jersey on the Spirit of Detroit is but I guess making the World Series would fit the bill.  After all, he's worn a Red Wings and Pistons jersey, so why not the Tigers?  Maybe at some point, he'll wear a Lions jersey.
 I will admit, it has been a while since I've taken a picture of the statue.  I kind of miss it.  It is definately one of the more recognizable features in Detroit.
 Although it's kind of surprising how tiny it seems in person.
 But that's okay because it's still pretty cool.
 I still think he looks like he's making a hockey save.
 Probably one of my favorite angles.
 Or this one.
 To see the full effect of the statue.
 A closeup of the sun.
And I think this is what Verlander pitches are going to look like to the Giants.

So Good Luck Tigers and bring home your fifth Championship.

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