Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mesabi Miner Passes Detroit

One of the ships I was going down to Detroit to see was the Mesabi Miner.  I've been wanting to catch her as she passed Detroit ever since I saw her up on opening day at the Soo Locks.  As I've said before, I like to catch ships in different places.
 Sadly the sun was right behind her as she headed up the River.  So I decided to mess around with the different metering modes on my camera.
 This picture was shot with the the meter spot just below the ship.  It way underexposed the ship but I think I like the effect.  I'm thinking that maybe if I lightened up the sky it could be a neat picture.
 Then I put the meter spot over the ship.  This made the ship a litte more properly exposed but I was still shooting into the sun.  I really should play with the different modes some more as I really don't understand what they are doing.
 The Miner headed a little further up the river, giving me better picture opportunities.
 So I switched over lens in the hopes of getting my almost straight out shot.
 I think she may be too long for that though because my lens isn't wide enough.
 Pretty close though.
 A shot of the pilothouse.
 And a shot of the flag almost flying proudly.
 And she starts to head up the river a little more.
 As I said, I was hoping to catch a glimpse of another ship, so I figured I would head over to the rocky beach.  That gave me some more chances to catch the Mesabi Miner.
 More of a side on shot but still too close to get a full side shot.
 And she heads into Lake St. Clair.
 Almost passing Windmill Point lighthouse.
 I had a straight stern shot but I wasn't steady enough with my lens, so I'll have to settle for this.
And a shot with my littler lens to give a sense of scale for the Lakes.

I was also hoping to catch the Algoma Provider but the sun was falling too fast and she wasn't moving fast enough.  I hope that I get another chance to catch her.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. wow, great pics! any more good boats coming in october / november? i want to try to take some shots from the windsor side.
