Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Random Wanderings in the Fall

Today as I was going to grab my coffee, I noticed that the trees behind the office were looking quite fallish and then I noticed the flowers I've been meaning to take pictures of for some time.  So I decided to kill two birds with one stone.
 These are the flowers that are planted behind our cafeteria.  I have no idea what they are but I do enjoy the looks of them.
 I was trying different angles with my camera.  I think I like how this one turned out.
 Not quite as sure about this one.
 I also like how this one turned out.
 Then I wandered the trails behind the office for a bit.  Saw these flowers.  I think I've identified them before but I don't remember what they are called.
 Same with this one. 
 These remind me of little daisies but I know that is not what they are.
 We have some pretty nice trails behind the office but for these next two shots, I decided to mess with the white balance.  This picture is set with the Auto White Balance. 
 I think I like this one that was set to sunshine white balance better.  It seems more colorful.  What do you the reader thing?
 A group of those flowers.  I really need to find myself a decent macro lens.  My friend has one that lets you get really close.
 More of the mini daisies.
 So after work, I decided to wander over to Lillie Park which is at the corner of Ellsworth and Platt.  I was going to take the road that would lead me where the trains usually hang out, but that was closed, so I had to go down Morgan.  I kind of liked the way the trees looked with the railroad tracks, so I took a picture.
 As I was heading back to the car, I liked the off center shot a little more.  Which do you prefer?
 One more train related picture.
 And then I met my friend at the park.  It was kind of a walk and photography session.  There are lots of cool things there to take pictures of.  Like this plant.
 I really liked the look of this flower, especially against the green background.
 I thought the leave was pretty cool, especially with the brown around the edges.
 More purple flowers.
 Not sure what these are but I like the color.  Sadly, they are starting to match all the other plant life.
 A clover flower.  I think.
 I kind of liked the way the trees were in the reflection.  I think I would have liked it more had the wind been a little calmer.
 I'm not sure what kind of plane this but everytime I see a plane, I have to look up.
 More of a shot of the reflections in the water.,  Almost makes an abstract piece but I think I'd like it more if the water were smoother.
 I liked the pinecone.
 I was trying to get a picture of this while illuminated by the sun.  Not sure how well I got it.
 More flowers.
 I saw my friend taking a picture of this dandelion.  I figured I would give it a shot.  I definately need more of a macro lens for this type of thing.
 I liked the way it looked from above.
And I leave with a shot of Queen Anne's Lace.

Hope you enjoyed this series.


  1. The purple flower you're not sure about is Purple Loosestrife, an invasive species from Europe.
