Friday, October 26, 2012

Tank You Very Much....Algosar

For some reason I keep forgetting that I've seen the Algosar before.  I was all excited because I thought I was seeing another ship that I haven't before.
 But alas, that was not to be.  She's still a pretty cool looking ship though.
 I tried to get a more detailed shot of her bow.  I guess you can see the Algoma logo here.  I think their logo is one of the cooler ones on the Lakes.
 She gets a little closer.
 Almost a profile shot, but she was too close in for that.
 A shot of her bow.  The waves were pretty large today.  The sky was still pretty gray.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And she heads towards Lake Huron.
 The Bluewater Bridge sets off her background as does the Isa.
And one more shot before I moved on.

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