Sunday, November 18, 2012

Eastern Michigan Vs. Western Michigan - Post Game

And a handful of shots after the game.
 The postgame handshake.  It was a pretty tough battle.  Since Western beat Central, if they would have beat Eastern, they would have won the Michigan MAC trophy.  Since all three teams beat each other, Eastern got to keep the trophy by default.
 A shot of the scoreboard.  It's kind of sad when I look back at Eastern's season.  Based on their record from last year, it looked promising.  Now it doesn't even look promising that English will be back.
 Another shot of the postgame handshake.
 The team singing the Eastern fight song to the crowd that traveled from Ypsilanti.  I'll have to admit, it is pretty cool when this happens at an away game.  Just wish I could have seen it more at Rynearson.
 This is a fairly familiar shot for me as it's pretty much the same one that I see when I ride the Wolverine.
The Western band playing for the few Western fans that stayed after the game.

I'm just glad that Eastern won this game but sadly it shows what could have been for some of the other games.  I just wish they would have played this well in some of the games they had a chance.  Oh well...maybe next year.

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