Monday, November 19, 2012

Holy Cross Church in Marine City

It seems like lately I've been focused almost exclusively on ships on this blog.  While I enjoy ships, that wasn't quite the original purpose for this blog.  Originally I had intended to use it as a place to highlight the different aspects and history of the state of Michigan.  Admittedly, ships play a huge role in Michigan's history but there are other aspectst that I have given short shrift to.

As I was taking pictures of the Catherine Desgagnes, I looked behind me and saw this church.  It had a historical marker which meant I noted it's name and would look it up later.
 The history of Michigan is interwoven with the French settlers and missionaries that explored, exploited and eventually settled this state.  This church was near a place called Catholic Point where there was a settlement.
 The parish itself was founded when Father Gabriel Richard purchased this land for $82.33 and the grant was signed by President John Quincy Adams in 1824.
 From that time until the construction of a church on this spot in 1863, the area was served by itinerant ministers.
 In 1903, the current church was built by Matthew Sicken who was a shipbuilder.
 I'll have to to say that it is a pretty neat looking church.  I kind of wish I would have had the time to wander inside but I was still on a mission.
 There are definately Old World touches on this church.
One more shot before moving on.

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