Sunday, November 25, 2012

Milkweed at Fish Point....

....or the alternate title to this post could be what I took pictures of instead of the Roger Blough.

Last night I saw that the Roger Blough would be passing Port Huron at 10:00 in the morning or so.  I thought that I would go meet her over there but the ice on the roads told me otherwise, so I went back to my mom's place and we took a little nap.

A little while later, we decided to head over to Fish Point.  We were hoping to see some ducks.  Didn't see any ducks but I did see an eagle and a hawk but I couldn't get in position to get pictures of either.  So as we were driving around, I saw a group of milkweeds and I decided to get some pictures of those.  I do like taking pictures of milkweeds but I prefer freighters or eagles or hawks.  Oh well.

I hope you enjoy these at any rate.
 I'm not sure what to say about these.  But as you can see, there was a bit of snow.
 I think I would like this one a little more if I had some more contrast against the background.
 I really like this one.
 I think when I get home, I may crop this one and repost it.  I don't like the seed at the top.
 This is probably my favorite of the bunch.
 This picture pretty much says why I was taking pictures of these instead of the Blough.
 Another one that I really like.
 If I didn't have the trees to the left, I think I'd like this one more.
I wish this one had more seeds coming out of it.

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