Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Moon on Thursday

As I was stepping out of the office tonight, I was greeted by a scene that I just had to photograph.  I was hoping the scene would turn out as well as it was in my eyes.
 After some fiddling around with the manual settings, I think I came pretty close.  I just liked how the sun was going down and the moon was almost between the trees.  I kind of wish there weren't the wires and the piece of pole.  Oh well.  I still think it looks pretty nice.
 So then I looked around the lot a bit.  I kind of like this one but there is a little bit of motion blur.
 I would have liked this one more if there weren't the lines.
 Same with this one, but the moon was about the effect I was going for.
 Can you guess what this is? :)
One more shot of the moon with my telephoto lens.  The unfortunate part of shooting a moon like this is the overexposure on the sliver part.  Oh well.

Hope you enjoyed the moon....

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